Microsoft Solutions
We sustain a large pool of experienced engineers with major focus on .NET technology, leveraged by our Microsoft Competency Center and .NET Lab.
Compact India advantage More than just professionals with deep technical knowledge, our people have also worked in many industries and for companies of all sizes. They bring business specific insights to your projects and have a proven track record in all the following industries:
Our Tour & Travel App Development Expertise
Investment Banking & Financial Services Business Information & Media Services Travel and Hospitality ISVs/SaaS Retail and Consumer Goods Telecommunications
Big Data Analytics
Our advanced big data solutions for tour & travel help our clients with reputation management and revenue management. With highly advanced analytic tools for market brainstorming, it become easy for travel businesses to prepare efficient strategies and better user experience.
ChatBot Development
We have decades of experience in building highly advanced and interactive chatbots for travel companies, ensuring their capabilities to improve customer experience, automate purchasing and booking processes, and gain a competitive edge in the market.
Compact India has 16+ years of experience in deploying blockchain solutions into travel app development that helps businesses increase their brand loyalty, security, and personal identity, and improve contract management along with highly secure payments.